What is quit smoking programs?

What is a quit-tobacco program?

A good quit-tobacco program provides support and encouragement. When looking for a program:

  • Be sure it's led by someone who's trained in helping people quit tobacco.
  • Avoid programs that promise to make quitting easy.
  • Change your quit date to match the program date.

Quit-tobacco programs may include:

  • In-person programs.

    Good in-person programs have at least 4 to 7 sessions that last for at least 20 to 30 minutes. They last at least a month past your quit date, include materials and individual or group counseling, and are affordable or free.

  • Telephone programs.

    Phone-based quit programs link callers to trained counselors. One resource that's available for free is the national tobacco quitline: 1-800-QUIT NOW (1-800-784-8669).

  • Online programs.

    Programs like www.smokefree.gov offer resources to help you quit.

  • Text messaging.

    For example, SmokefreeTXT from www.smokefree.gov sends encouraging, informative text messages several times a day.

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