What is sexual problems and disorders?

Sexual Problems and Disorders

What causes sexual problems?

Sexual problems can be complex. They may be caused by a variety of physical, mental, and emotional factors. These may include:

  • Depression.
  • Anxiety.
  • Stress.
  • Relationship problems.
  • Injury or trauma.
  • Some health conditions.
  • Certain medicines.

Sexual problems can also be caused by normal parts of life, such as aging and major life events.

Talking with your partner about sex when you have sexual problems

Talking with your partner may help your sexual function. Couples often assume that they each know what the other person likes when it comes to sex. Sometimes they are wrong.

  • Don't assume.

    Tell your partner what does and doesn't give you pleasure.

  • Make time outside of the bedroom to talk about your sex life together.
  • Discuss the strong and weak points of the whole relationship.

    It's important to talk about the whole relationship, not just the sexual part. Talk about positive areas, areas of conflict, and areas that need work. Agree on how or if you will both make changes.

  • See a certified therapist if you have trouble talking about sex with your partner.

    A therapist can help you talk to each other.

  • Read books with your partner on sexual health.

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