What is prescription medicine misuse?

Prescription Medicine Misuse
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Prescription Medicine Misuse: Treatment Options

Prescription Medicine Misuse: Getting Back on Track

Prescription Medicine Misuse: Support for Recovery

What is prescription medicine misuse in older adults?

Older adults often have to take many medicines. This can easily lead to misuse of medicines. You misuse medicine when:

  • You take too much medicine or take medicine when you don't need to.
  • You use older medicines or another person's medicine.
  • You take medicine in a way that's not prescribed, just to feel good or "high." This happens most often with medicines used to treat conditions such as depression, anxiety, or pain you have had for a long time (chronic pain).
  • You take medicines while drinking alcohol.
  • You don't take medicine as directed by your doctor. For example, you don't take enough medicine, you skip doses, or you don't get a prescription renewed.

Prescription Medicine Misuse: Could You Have a Problem?

Prescription Medicine Misuse: Setting Goals for Quitting

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