What is abstinence?


How to say no to alcohol and drugs

Alcohol is part of many traditions and is often served at parties and other functions. And although many drugs are illegal or legal only with a prescription, people may offer them to you.

If you're in a situation where someone is offering you alcohol or drugs, try this:

  1. In a firm voice, tell the person you don't want to drink or use drugs. Say something like:
    • "No, I'm sorry, but I don't use."
    • "No, I'm really trying to stay sober."
    • "No, I'm trying to cut back."
  2. Give a reason why you don't want to drink or use drugs. Say something like:
    • "It's bad for my health."
    • "I could lose my housing."
    • "I have trouble when I use."
  3. Ask the person not to ask you to drink or use drugs again. Say something like:
    • "Hey, I said I'm trying to stay sober, so don't ask me again."
    • "I told you I don't use anymore, so stop asking."
    • "I'm trying really hard to stay sober, so please don't ask me to use anymore."

If you notice that someone does have drugs, leave the area.

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