What is accidental needle stick?

Accidental Needle Stick

Caring for yourself if you have been exposed to someone else's blood

Take the following steps if you have any exposure to blood:

  • Wash needle sticks and cuts with soap and water.
  • Use water to flush splashed blood from your nose, mouth, or skin.
  • Wash your eyes.

    Use a steady stream of clean water, a saltwater solution, or a sterile wash.

  • Do not squeeze the area of a needle stick or cut.
  • Don't wash the area with antiseptics or bleach.

Call your doctor right away. In some cases, medicine may help to prevent infection. The sooner you start treatment, the more likely it is to work.

If you get an accidental needle stick:

  • Report it right away to the department that is responsible for managing exposures, such as occupational health or infection control.
  • Your workplace likely has guidelines that tell you what to do if you are exposed. This may involve blood tests and sometimes medicine that can help prevent infection. Make sure you know what the guidelines are.

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