What is amblyopia?


Amblyopia and strabismus in children: Overview

Amblyopia is when one eye is weaker than the other. Some people call this "lazy eye." It causes the brain to take in images from the stronger eye and ignore images from the weaker eye. This leads to poor vision in the weaker eye. It most often affects only one eye. Children can develop the problem between birth and about age 7.

Sometimes amblyopia occurs because the eyes don't focus on the same object. For example, one eye may point straight while the other looks in another direction. This condition is called strabismus. It sends two different images to the brain. In a young child with strabismus, the brain chooses to receive the images from only one eye.

Amblyopia can sometimes be treated if it is caught at a young age. Your doctor may want your child to wear a patch over the stronger eye. This helps develop the vision in the weaker eye. Or your doctor may suggest glasses or eyedrops to blur the vision in the good eye.

Sometimes surgery is needed to fix both problems.


Amblyopia, commonly called "lazy eye," is an eye condition in which one eye is not used enough for the visual system in the brain to develop properly. If one eye is weak, the brain ignores the images from it and uses only the images from the stronger eye, leading to poor vision in the weak eye.

Amblyopia usually affects only one eye, but it may occur in both eyes. Children can develop amblyopia between birth and about 7 years of age.

Amblyopia can be hard to detect. A child with amblyopia may have one eye that wanders or does not move with the other eye.

Amblyopia may develop if a child is much more nearsighted or farsighted in one eye than in the other. Extreme nearsightedness or farsightedness in both eyes may lead to amblyopia. Cloudiness in the black center of the eye or a droopy upper eyelid also can lead to amblyopia.

Normal vision develops with regular, equal use of the eyes. Treatment for amblyopia includes patching the stronger eye to force the weaker eye to develop better vision. Early treatment can usually reverse the condition.

What are the symptoms of amblyopia?

In most cases, amblyopia does not cause symptoms. But your child may:

  • Have an eye that wanders or does not move with the other eye.
  • Have eyes that do not move in the same direction or fix on the same point.
  • Cry or complain when one eye is covered.
  • Squint or tilt the head to look at something.
  • Have an upper eyelid that droops.

How is amblyopia in children treated?

For amblyopia to be treated, your child must use the weak eye. This will force the eye to get stronger. Over time this corrects the vision in the weak eye.

Your doctor may suggest:

  • Blocking the strong eye with an eye patch.
  • Blurring the strong eye with eyedrops or glasses.

Your child may have to wear the patch or glasses most of the day or for just part of each day. Treatment may last for a few weeks or months. Severe cases may take longer.

If another problem is causing the amblyopia, such as a cataract, it also needs to be treated.

Treatment is best started before age 6 and should begin before your child's vision has fully developed, around age 9 or 10.

After treatment ends, be sure to set up follow-up eye exams for your child. Amblyopia can return even after successful treatment.

How is amblyopia diagnosed?

Your child's doctor will do an eye exam. If the exam shows that your child has poor vision in one eye, the doctor may diagnose amblyopia after ruling out other causes.

To help make the diagnosis, the doctor will ask about symptoms, any family members who have had vision problems, other possible risk factors such as low birth weight, and whether your child has trouble reading, seeing the board in school, or watching TV.

Experts recommend that children have regular eye exams. Vision tests may also be done to look for amblyopia. If you have concerns about your child's eyes or vision, call your child's doctor, or take your child to an eye doctor.

How can you care for your child who has amblyopia and strabismus?

Help your child follow directions for wearing an eye patch or glasses or using eyedrops. Your doctor will give you directions. Give your child extra love and support during treatment. They may be teased at school. Explain the treatment to your child's teachers. They can help support your child.

What causes amblyopia in children?

Any condition that prevents your child's eyes from forming a clear, focused image or that prevents the normal use of one or both eyes can cause amblyopia. It may happen when:

  • The eyes do not focus on the same object. This is called strabismus. When this happens, the brain chooses to receive the images from only one eye.
  • Your child is much more nearsighted or farsighted in one eye than in the other. If one eye sees much more clearly than the other, the brain ignores the image from the weaker eye.
  • A problem prevents light from entering the eye for a long period of time. A problem in the lens, such as a cataract, or in the clear "window" at the front of the eye (the cornea) may cause amblyopia.
  • Someone else in your family had it or if your child had a premature birth or low birth weight.

What is amblyopia in children?

Amblyopia is a childhood problem that happens when one eye is weaker than the other. The brain chooses to take in images from the stronger eye and ignore images from the weaker eye. This means that your child uses the strong eye more than the weak eye. If the weak eye doesn't have to work, it isn't able to develop good vision. This leads to poor vision in the weaker eye.

Amblyopia usually affects only one eye.

The problem starts between birth and about age 7. Your child may not even know that they are using only one eye. Ignoring the images from the weak eye is an automatic response. Your child has no control over it.

Early treatment usually can reverse amblyopia. The younger your child is when treatment starts, the more likely your child is to have good vision.

Amblyopia is sometimes called "lazy eye."

Supporting your child during eye patch treatment for amblyopia

By giving support and reassurance, you can help your child comply with the patching treatment.

  • Reassure your child.

    Amblyopia is commonly called "lazy eye." Tell your child that despite the nickname, an eye with amblyopia is not actually lazy and that your child has not done anything wrong. A child with amblyopia may not even know that they are using only one eye.

  • Give comfort and support.

    Other children might make fun of a child who has to wear a patch over one eye. Comfort your child. And remind your child why it is important to keep the patch on.

  • Schedule the times when your child will wear the patch.

    It may be possible to wear the patch only at home. Then your child can avoid any hurtful comments or teasing that may happen because of the patch.

  • Reward your child.

    Consider giving rewards when your child wears the patch without complaints or difficulties. You can use a phone app or a calendar to show your child's progress toward the reward.

  • Encourage support from others.

    Offer suggestions to family, friends, and classmates about ways they can help make the treatment successful.

Amblyopia and strabismus in children: When to call

Watch closely for changes in your child's health, and be sure to contact your doctor if:

  • Your child has vision changes.
  • Your child does not get better as expected.

How can you help your child during treatment for amblyopia?

Treatment sounds simple, but using an eye patch or glasses may bother your child. To help your child:

  • Explain that the glasses or patch will help his or her vision get better.
  • Tell your child's friends, teachers, coaches, and others about the eye problem and what you and your child have to do for it. Ask for their help.
  • Use the patch, glasses, or eyedrops as your doctor says.
  • If possible, decorate the patch with your child. First, ask your doctor if it's okay.
  • Do fun things, such as coloring and crafts, when your child is wearing the patch or glasses. This will help your child use the weak eye.

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