What is ankle sprain exercises?

Ankle Sprain Exercises

How is physical therapy used to treat ankle sprains?

In the case of a minor sprain, rehabilitation (rehab) exercises begin soon after the injury with walking. You can try wearing hiking boots or other high-top, lace-up shoes for support. But don't force your foot into a boot if it hurts or causes discomfort.

Stretch daily, especially before and after physical activities to prevent reinjury. Even after your ankle feels better, do rehab exercises several times a week to keep it strong.

The timing and type of rehab exercises may vary according to your doctor's or physical therapist's preferences. You'll probably do the following types of exercise.

  • Range-of-motion exercises. These help you move the joint as far as you can in every direction that it moves.
  • Stretching exercises. They help keep your Achilles tendon (heel cord) flexible while your ankle heals.
  • Strengthening exercises. These strengthen the muscles so they help support your ankle.
  • Balance and control exercises. They help your foot and ankle respond to activities. This can help prevent reinjury.

Single-leg balance

  1. Stand on a flat surface with your arms stretched out to your sides like you are making the letter “T.” Then lift your good leg off the floor, bending it at the knee. If you are not steady, use one hand to hold on to a chair, counter, or wall.
  2. Standing on your affected leg, keep that knee straight. Try to balance on that leg for up to 30 seconds, and then rest.
  3. Repeat 8 to 12 times.
  4. It's a good idea to repeat these steps with your other leg.

When you can balance on your affected leg for 30 seconds with your eyes open, try to balance on it with your eyes closed.

When you can do this exercise with your eyes closed for 30 seconds with ease and no pain, try standing on a pillow or piece of foam.

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