What is chilblains?

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Chilblains: Overview

Chilblains (perniosis, also known as pernio) is a reaction to cold, nonfreezing temperatures. It is seen most often in people who are exposed to damp, cold weather.

Symptoms develop 12 to 24 hours after exposure to cold. Chilblains usually affects the fingers and toes, but the ears, nose, and heels can also be affected. Symptoms include:

  • Local redness and swelling.
  • Small areas of skin that look purplish.
  • Skin bumps.
  • Changes in sensation, such as itching or burning.
  • Tender blue bumps that develop after rewarming.
  • Blisters and ulcers (in severe cases).

Treatment includes rewarming the affected areas, caring for any blisters that form, and avoiding reexposure to cold.

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