What is chronic diarrhea?

Chronic Diarrhea

What is chronic diarrhea?

Chronic diarrhea is having watery stools every day for more than 4 weeks. It's different from temporary diarrhea, which happens to everyone from time to time.

What are the symptoms of chronic diarrhea?

The symptoms of chronic diarrhea include frequent loose stools. You may also have belly cramps and strong sudden urges to have a bowel movement. Some people also get dehydrated or lose weight. In some cases, chronic diarrhea includes a feeling of not completely emptying your bowels.

How is chronic diarrhea treated?

There are several ways to treat chronic diarrhea. You may have already tried some things at home. Many people need to combine two or more treatments.

It's best to work with a doctor to manage chronic diarrhea. This can help you feel better and avoid more serious problems like dehydration and malnutrition.

Your doctor may first recommend changing what you eat, such as not eating dairy products.

Your doctor may also recommend:

  • Prescription anti-diarrheal medicines.
  • Prescription medicines that help with cramping.
  • Calcium or fiber supplements.
  • Nutrition supplements, if you've lost too much water or nutrients.
  • Antibiotics, if an infection is the cause.

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