What is cpr?

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CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) is pushing down on a person's chest and breathing into their mouth. It is used in emergencies when a person's heart stops beating or when a person stops breathing.

CPR works to move blood to the person's brain to help prevent brain damage. CPR can help keep a person alive until a health professional arrives.

The steps of CPR are C-A-B:

  • C for compression
  • A for airway
  • B for breathing

CPR can also be done with only compressions. This is sometimes called hands-only CPR.

How can you quickly reference the steps for CPR?

First, take a class on how to give CPR. Then use the chart below as a reference.

Quick reference: CPR recommendations for adults and older children, young children, and babies

What to do

Adults and older children who have reached puberty

Young children until the age of puberty

Babies younger than 1 year

When to call for help

Call 911, or ask someone to call, and get an AED, if there is one nearby.

A 911 operator can give you instructions on how to do CPR.

Call 911, or ask someone to call, and get an AED, if there is one nearby.

A 911 operator can give you instructions on how to do CPR.

If you're alone and don't have a phone nearby, start CPR. Do CPR for 2 minutes, and then find a phone to call 911.

Call 911, or ask someone to call, and get an AED, if there is one nearby.

A 911 operator can give you instructions on how to do CPR.

If you're alone and don't have a phone nearby, start CPR. Do CPR for 2 minutes, and then find a phone to call 911.

If the person is not breathing normally or is gasping, find the spot to do chest compressions.

Place two fingers on the spot where the ribs come together. Put the heel of your other hand just above your fingers on the breastbone.

(See a picture of hand placement for chest compressions.)

Place two fingers on the spot where the ribs come together. Put the heel of your other hand just above your fingers on the breastbone.

Place two fingers on the breastbone just below the nipple line.

(See a picture of hand placement for chest compressions on a baby.)

How do you give chest compressions?

Use the heel of one hand with the other hand stacked on top of it. Lace your fingers together.

Use the heel of one hand. If you need more force for a larger child, use both hands as you would for an adult.

Use two fingers.

How fast should you do compressions?

Do at least 100 compressions per minute (between 1 and 2 per second).

Do at least 100 compressions per minute (between 1 and 2 per second).

Do at least 100 compressions per minute (between 1 and 2 per second).

How far down should you press the chest?

Press the chest down at least 2 inches (5 cm).

Press the chest down at least one-third of the depth of the child's chest [about 2 in. (5 cm)].

Press the chest down at least one-third of the depth of the baby's chest.

If you are trained in CPR, how many compressions and breaths do you give?

30 compressions, 2 breaths. Repeat this 30/2 cycle until help arrives or person breathes on their own.

Note: If you are not trained in CPR with rescue breathing, it is important to continue doing chest compressions.

30 compressions, 2 breaths. Repeat this 30/2 cycle until help arrives or child breathes on their own.

30 compressions, 2 breaths. Repeat this 30/2 cycle until help arrives or baby breathes on their own.

(See a picture of rescue breathing for babies.)

What is CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation)?

CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) is pushing down on a person's chest and breathing into their mouth. It's used in emergencies when someone's heart stops beating or when a person isn't breathing normally. The person may be gasping for breath or may not be breathing at all.

CPR works to move blood to the person's brain to help prevent brain damage. CPR can help keep someone alive until a health professional arrives.

Hands-Only CPR

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