What is cradle cap?

Cradle Cap

Cradle cap in children: Overview

Cradle cap is a common scalp problem among infants. It looks like yellow, scaly patches on the scalp. Cradle cap is also called seborrheic dermatitis.

Cradle cap is not connected with an illness. It is not harmful to your baby, and it does not spread to others. Cradle cap usually goes away by a baby's first birthday. If it bothers you, you can treat cradle cap with home care. If it does not bother you or your baby, it does not need treatment.

Cradle cap

Cradle cap, also called seborrheic dermatitis, is a greasy, yellowish scaling or crusting on an infant's scalp. With lighter skin, the scalp skin can look reddish. With darker skin, the scalp skin can also be lighter than the skin's usual color. Cradle cap is common in babies and goes away on its own. It usually responds to home treatment.

How is cradle cap treated?

Cradle cap is not harmful to your baby. It usually goes away by a baby's first birthday.

Home treatment is usually all that is needed for cradle cap.

  • An hour before shampooing, rub your baby's scalp with baby oil, mineral oil, or petroleum jelly to help lift the crusts and loosen scales.
  • When ready to shampoo, first get the scalp wet, then gently scrub the scalp with a soft-bristle brush (a soft toothbrush works well) for a few minutes to remove the scales. You can also try gently removing the scales with a fine-tooth comb.
  • Then wash the scalp with baby shampoo, rinse well, and gently towel dry.

How can you care for your child's cradle cap?

  • Remember that cradle cap does not have to be treated. It almost always goes away on its own.
  • If cradle cap bothers you, you can wash the scaling off your baby's scalp:
    • Rub your baby's scalp with baby oil (or mineral oil, vegetable oil, or petroleum jelly) to help lift the crusts and loosen the scales. Put it on an hour before shampooing, or you can leave it on overnight.
    • When ready to shampoo, first get the scalp wet, then gently scrub the scalp with a soft-bristle brush (a soft toothbrush works well) for a few minutes to remove the scales. You can also try gently removing the scales with a fine-tooth comb. Do not brush too hard or put pressure on your baby's head.
    • Then, wash the scalp with baby shampoo, rinse well, and gently towel dry.

What causes cradle cap?

Cradle cap is the normal buildup of sticky skin oils, scales, and sloughed skin cells.

Cradle cap

Cradle cap on baby's scalp, with close-up of oily, crusty buildup of skin

Cradle cap is an oily, yellow scaling or crusting on a baby's scalp. It is caused by a buildup of sticky skin oils, scales, and sloughed skin cells. Cradle cap is common in babies and is easily treated.

Cradle cap in children: When to call

Watch closely for changes in your child's health, and be sure to contact your doctor if:

  • Your child's skin reddens at the armpit, the groin, or other areas.
  • Your child's cradle cap continues after home treatment.

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