What is eye ointment?

Eye Ointment
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How to give your child eyedrops or eye ointment: Overview

Many eye problems are treated with eyedrops, eye ointment, or both. If your child needs both eyedrops and eye ointment, give the eyedrops first. Wait at least 10 minutes before giving the ointment. If your child has an eye infection, don't let your child wear contact lenses while using the eyedrops or ointment. Eye ointment can cause some blurred vision, but it doesn't last long.

How to give your child eye ointment

  • If your child needs both eyedrops and eye ointment, put the eyedrops in at least 10 minutes before the ointment.
  • If your child has an eye infection, don't let them wear contact lenses while using the ointment, unless your doctor has told you it's okay.

Many eye problems are treated with eye ointment. Here's how to use it.

  1. Make sure you have the correct ointment.

    Don't use anyone else's ointment. If your doctor prescribed one type of ointment to treat one problem, don't use the same medicine to treat a different problem.

  2. Read the directions.

    Use the ointment exactly as directed. Make sure you understand the directions. Don't use the ointment longer or in larger amounts than your doctor tells you to. This can hurt your child's eyes.

  3. Wash your hands well.

    Always do this before you put in the ointment. If you have disposable medical gloves, wear them when you put the ointment into your child's eyes.

  4. Check the top of the ointment tube.

    Be sure the tube tip is clean. Don't let it touch any surface. Ointment that gets bacteria in it can easily spread the bacteria to the eye and cause an infection.

  5. Have your child lie down with their eyes shut.
  6. Put in the ointment.
    • Pull the lower eyelid out to create a pouch.
    • Put a thin line of ointment in the pouch.
    • With the child's eyes closed, ask the child to move their eyeball from side to side to move the ointment around the eye.
    • Don't let the ointment tube tip touch the eye, eyelid, or lashes. If it does, call your drugstore and arrange to get another tube of eye ointment.
  7. Wash your hands.

    Wash them even if you wore gloves.

Eye ointment can cause some temporary blurring of vision.

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