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Using eyedrops or eye ointment: Overview

Many eye problems are treated with eyedrops or eye ointments, and sometimes with both.

Even though drops and ointments are widely used, many people don't know the best way to put them in. But with a little preparation, you can comfortably and easily put drops or ointment in your eyes.

  • Eyedrops and eye ointments can deliver medicine directly to your eyes, keep your eyes moist, and help with redness, itching, and watering.
  • It's important to be sure the dropper or tube is clean. Do not let it touch the eye, eyelid, lashes, or any surface. This will keep it free from bacteria.
  • Do not use more drops or ointment than directed.

Here's Help: How to Give Yourself Eyedrops or Eye Ointment

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