What is flexible laryngoscopy?

Flexible Laryngoscopy

What is a flexible laryngoscopy?

Flexible laryngoscopy (say "lair-en-GOS-kuh-pee") is a test that lets your doctor look at your throat and voice box (larynx). The doctor uses a thin, flexible tube, called a scope, to look deep into your throat.

Why is a flexible laryngoscopy done?

This test is done to find the cause of voice problems, ear and throat pain, or swallowing problems. It also may be done to check for throat tumors or injuries.

How is a flexible laryngoscopy done?

  • You will be awake for the test.
  • If you wear dentures, you will remove them just before the test.
  • The doctor may give you medicine to numb the inside of your nose and throat and/or to dry up the mucus in your nose and throat.
  • The doctor will put the scope into your nose and gently guide it into the back of your throat.
  • The scope may have a camera on it that sends pictures to a monitor so your doctor can see the inside of your nose and throat.
  • The doctor may ask you to speak, sing, cough, take deep breaths, or sniff while the scope is in your throat.

How do you prepare for a flexible laryngoscopy?

In general, there's nothing you have to do before this test, unless your doctor tells you to.

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