What is full liquid diet?

Full Liquid Diet

What is a full liquid diet?

A full liquid diet includes foods and drinks that will turn liquid if left at room temperature. This diet is often used for a short while. It can give your body many of the nutrients it needs, but it may be low in certain vitamins and minerals. It's also low in fiber.

Why is a full liquid diet used?

A full liquid diet is often used when you can't eat solid foods. For example, you may be preparing for a medical procedure or healing from one. Or you could have problems with your mouth or throat that make it hard to chew or swallow.

How can you eat well on a full liquid diet?

You may need to eat and drink more often while on this diet. Choose foods and liquids that you like, and try to vary the flavors. Add variety by changing between hot and cold or sweet and savory. Talk to your dietitian if you have any questions.

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