What is functional incontinence?

Functional Incontinence

Functional incontinence

Functional incontinence occurs when something makes it hard for a person to reach or use a toilet in time to urinate and there is an involuntary release of urine. In functional incontinence, there is not a medical reason, such as muscle weakness in the urinary tract, for a release of urine.

Functional incontinence may occur when a disability prevents a person from reaching a toilet in time to urinate. Or it may occur when a confused person is unable to locate a toilet in time. Buckles or zippers that take too long to open may also add to the problem.

Treatment may involve changing the physical setting to make it easier to reach the toilet in time. It may also include wearing clothing that is easy to remove or keeping a urinal or a chair commode nearby. In some cases of physical or mental impairment, a caregiver may remind the person when it is time to urinate.

How is functional incontinence treated?

You could make a schedule to urinate at regular times before your bladder feels full. It may also help to keep a clear path to the toilet. You may want to keep a urinal or a chair commode nearby. Wearing clothes that are easy to remove can also help.

What causes functional incontinence?

Functional incontinence usually occurs because something blocks your way to the toilet. Or perhaps you can't walk there on your own. Maybe you have a hard time removing clothing before you urinate. There might be a problem with reasoning that keeps you from realizing that you need to urinate or from finding a bathroom.

What is functional incontinence?

Functional incontinence means that you can't get to or use a toilet in time to urinate. This usually happens because something gets in your way or you aren't able to walk there on your own.

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