What is hamstring stretch (standing)?

Hamstring Stretch (Standing)

Hamstring wall stretch

How to do hamstring wall stretch
  1. Lie on your back in a doorway, with your lower legs through the open door.
  2. Slide the leg next to the doorway up the wall to straighten your knee. You should feel a gentle stretch down the back of your leg.
    Do not arch your back.
    Do not bend either knee.
    Keep one heel touching the floor and the other heel touching the wall. Do not point your toes.
  3. Hold the stretch for at least 1 minute to start. As you get used to it, work toward holding the stretch for as long as 6 minutes.
  4. Do this exercise 2 to 4 times with one leg. Then move to the other side of the doorway to stretch the other leg.

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