What is heat rash?

Heat Rash

Heat rash in children: Overview

Heat rash (also called prickly heat rash) is a red or pink rash. It most often is found on body areas covered by clothing. The rash can form when the sweat ducts become blocked and swell. This often leads to discomfort and itching.

Heat rash is most common in babies. It can happen when a baby is dressed too warmly. But it can happen to any baby in very hot weather. Dress your baby as you would yourself for comfort.

In young children, heat rash often appears on the neck, trunk, or thighs. The rash can be irritated by clothing or scratching. In rare cases, the skin can get infected.

Most heat rashes heal on their own.

What are the symptoms of heat rash?

Heat rash looks like dots or tiny pimples. In young children, heat rash can appear on the head, neck, and shoulders. It often leads to discomfort and itching. The rash areas can get irritated by clothing or scratching.

How is heat rash in children treated?

Most heat rashes heal on their own. But there are things you can do at home to help your child feel better. After the rash is gone, gradually expose your child to warmer temperatures so that your child's skin can get used to the warmth.

Preventing heat rash in a child

The following tips can help prevent heat rash.

  • Dress your child in as few clothes as possible during hot weather.
  • Keep the skin cool and dry.
  • Keep the sleeping area cool.

How is heat rash diagnosed?

Heat rash can usually be identified by its appearance. The rash looks like dots or tiny pimples. It usually doesn't require medical attention. But if it doesn't go away after 3 or 4 days, if it appears to be getting worse, or if your child develops a fever, contact your doctor right away.

How can you care for your child who has heat rash?

Start by removing or loosening your baby's clothing. Move your child to a cool spot. Let the skin air-dry instead of using towels. Avoid ointments or other lotions. Dress your child in as few clothes as possible during hot weather. Keep your child's skin cool and dry. Keep their sleeping area cool.

Prickly Heat Rash

Prickly heat rash

Prickly heat (also called heat rash, sweat rash, or miliaria) is a rash of red or pink dots that appears over an infant's head, neck, and shoulders. The dots look like tiny pimples. The rash from prickly heat usually covers a small area and is considered a localized rash. Occasionally the rash will cover a larger area (generalized rash).

Prickly heat is often caused when well-meaning parents dress their baby too warmly, but it can happen to any baby in very hot weather. A baby should be dressed as lightly as an adult who is resting. Your baby's hands and feet may feel cool to the touch. This is not uncommon and is usually not a problem.

What causes heat rash?

Heat rash can develop when the sweat ducts become blocked and swell.

In babies, heat rash can be caused by well-meaning parents who dress their baby too warmly, but it can happen to any baby in very hot weather. A baby should be dressed as an adult would be to be comfortable at the same temperature and activity level. Babies' hands and feet may feel cool to your touch but that does not mean they need to be dressed too warmly in hot weather.

Heat rash in children: When to call

Call your doctor now or seek immediate medical care if:

  • Your child's rash seems to be getting worse.
  • Your child has a fever.

Watch closely for changes in your child's health, and be sure to contact your doctor if:

  • Your child's rash doesn't go away after 3 or 4 days.
  • Your child has any problems.

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