What is hip pain?

Hip Pain
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Hip pain and sex: Overview

It's common to be afraid to have sex when you have hip pain. But it doesn't have to stop you from having a satisfying sex life.

Talk to your partner about which movements are comfortable for you and which aren't.

How can you care for your hip pain when you have sex?

  • Learn which sexual positions may be good or bad for your hips. For example, some hip problems cause pain when you bend forward. Others cause problems when you lift your hips or arch your back.
  • Try positions you've never considered before. You may need to use a firmer surface than your mattress, such as a soft rug on the floor or even a sturdy chair. Oral sex might be easier than intercourse.
  • Go slow. Sex is like exercise—warming up and stretching first are important. Many people use yoga to gently stretch their muscles. When you're ready to have sex, keep your movements slow and gentle.
  • Take a hot shower to help relax your muscles. Or have your partner give you a massage.
  • Increase the time you and your partner spend in touching and caressing each other before sex (foreplay).
  • If it hurts, stop. That may seem obvious, but when things get passionate, it can be hard to stay in control. Try to keep it slow so that you can stop right away if your hips start to hurt.

Hip pain and sex: When to call

Watch closely for changes in your health, and be sure to contact your doctor if:

  • Your hip pain gets worse.

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