What is hydronephrosis?


What are the symptoms of hydronephrosis?

Some of the common symptoms are:

  • Pain in one or both sides.
  • Stomach pain.
  • Blood in your urine.

Some people have no symptoms.

How is hydronephrosis treated?

Your treatment depends on the cause of the swelling. If it is caused by a blockage, your treatment will depend on the type of blockage you have. If the blockage is caused by a kidney stone, you may wait for the stone to pass. If hydronephrosis happens during pregnancy, it usually clears up on its own.

You may need to have urine drained from your bladder or kidneys. A urinary catheter is a small, flexible tube that can be inserted through the urethra and into the bladder, allowing urine to drain. A nephrostomy catheter is a thin tube placed into your kidney to drain urine. Sometimes surgery is needed to clear the blockage.

If you have a blockage, you should begin to feel better after the blockage is gone.

Many people recover and have no long-term problems. But some may have kidney damage. If hydronephrosis was left untreated for a long time, the damage can be severe. Severe damage will require further treatment.

How is hydronephrosis treated?

Treatment depends on what's causing the swelling. If it's caused by a blockage, your doctor may use a catheter to drain urine from your bladder or kidneys. If it's caused by a kidney stone or pregnancy, it may resolve on its own. Sometimes surgery is needed. Without treatment, hydronephrosis can cause severe kidney damage.

How can you care for yourself when you have hydronephrosis?

Self-care may depend on the cause and treatment. If the cause is a kidney stone, drinking lots of fluids may help the stone to pass. Over-the-counter medicine, like acetaminophen or ibuprofen, may help relieve pain. Follow any instructions you're given, and call your doctor if you're having problems, such as vomiting or a fever.

What is hydronephrosis?

Hydronephrosis is swelling of the kidneys. It is caused by a buildup of urine. This condition can happen if a tube that drains urine from your kidneys is blocked. The blockage can come from within the urinary tract or from pressure outside of the tract. Pregnancy is an example of an outside (external) cause.

This condition is often caused by a blockage such as a kidney stone, tumor, or blood clot. It also can be caused by a problem in your urinary system that you were born with (congenital problem).

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