What is hypoplastic left heart syndrome?

Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome

Hypoplastic left heart syndrome

Hypoplastic left heart syndrome is a heart problem that is present at birth (congenital) in which the left side of the heart and aorta are very small or underdeveloped. The small left ventricle makes the right ventricle responsible for pumping blood to the lungs and body. Too little blood and oxygen may be pumped to the body.

A series of heart surgeries may be done to repair this problem and help the heart work better.

What are the symptoms of hypoplastic left heart syndrome in newborns?

The heart is not pumping well, so a baby may get very sick soon after birth because there is not enough blood being pumped out to the body. Symptoms include fast breathing and a blue tint to the skin, lips, or fingernails.

How is hypoplastic left heart syndrome in newborns treated?

Your baby will have a treatment that helps the oxygen-rich blood flow to your baby's body. Treatment options include medicine and a procedure done with a catheter (a thin tube) inside blood vessels. Surgeries may be done to reroute some of the blood vessels around the heart to help the heart work better.

How is hypoplastic left heart syndrome in newborns diagnosed?

Your doctor may hear abnormal heart sounds, such as a heart murmur, when examining your newborn.

Your doctor will order tests to find the cause of abnormal sounds or of symptoms. The most common test used to identify this problem is called an echocardiogram, or "echo" for short. It uses sound waves to make an image of your baby's heart.

Other tests, such as an EKG (electrocardiogram), chest X-ray, and checking the amount of oxygen in the blood, also help identify the problem.

A fetal ultrasound, which looks at the baby's heart, may find this problem before birth.

How can you care for your newborn who has hypoplastic left heart syndrome?

Your doctor will make sure that you have all the information you need to take care of your baby. Your child's care team can show you how to help your baby. You can also ask the hospital staff about counseling and support.

What is hypoplastic left heart syndrome in newborns?

Hypoplastic left heart syndrome is a type of heart disease that a baby is born with (congenital). It's a group of problems. One problem is that parts of the left side of the heart are too small. This means that the heart cannot pump oxygen-rich blood to the body as well as it should.

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