What is iliotibial band syndrome?

Iliotibial Band Syndrome

Iliotibial band syndrome: Overview

Iliotibial band syndrome is pain and swelling of the iliotibial band (also called the IT band). This is a band of tissue that runs down the outside of your thigh. It connects the side of your hip to the side of your knee. It helps keep your knee and hip stable and in their normal position.

When you have IT band syndrome, you may feel pain on the outside of your hip. It happens as your IT band snaps back and forth over the bony point of your hip. Sometimes you may only feel pain on the outside of your knee.

You can get this syndrome if the IT band is too tight or if you do certain activities over and over that put pressure on your hip or knee. This is a common problem in runners, cyclists, and people who do other aerobic activities.

IT band syndrome is treated with rest and medicines. These relieve swelling and pain. Physical therapy is also used. It may include stretching or doing certain exercises that can help strengthen your IT band and hip muscles. Sometimes a steroid shot is given to help relieve pain at the spot that is most sore.

What are the symptoms of iliotibial band syndrome?

Symptoms may include pain on the outside of the knee or hip. You may have snapping hip pain as the iliotibial band snaps back and forth over the bony point of the hip. The pain may improve with rest or go away when the band is stretched out and becomes more flexible.

How is iliotibial band syndrome treated?

Iliotibial band syndrome is treated with rest, medicines to relieve swelling and pain, and stretching exercises as instructed by a physical therapist or sports medicine doctor. Steroid injections at the most tender spot are sometimes helpful.

How is iliotibial band syndrome diagnosed?

Your doctor will ask about your past health and do a physical exam. The doctor will check areas of pain and tenderness and assess your range of motion and strength. Tests may be done to help make a diagnosis. These may include imaging tests such as an MRI or ultrasound.

How can you care for yourself when you have iliotibial band syndrome?

  • Rest the affected leg. You may need to change or avoid activities that cause pain.
  • Be safe with medicines. Read and follow all instructions on the label.
    • If the doctor gave you a prescription medicine for pain, take it as prescribed.
    • If you are not taking a prescription pain medicine, ask your doctor if you can take an over-the-counter medicine.
  • Talk to your doctor or physical therapist about exercises that will help ease hip and knee pain.
    • Stretch before you exercise. This can help prevent stiffness and injury. You can try gentle forms of yoga to help keep your joints and muscles flexible.
    • Use exercises that are less stressful on the joints. Walk instead of jog. Ride a stationary bike with little resistance. Or you can swim or try water exercise.
    • Do exercises that can help strengthen your IT band and hip muscles. Your doctor or physical therapist can tell you what kind of exercises are best for you. The doctor or physical therapist can help you learn the right way to do the exercises.
  • Stay at a healthy weight. Being overweight puts extra strain on your hip and knee joints.

What is iliotibial band syndrome?

Iliotibial band syndrome is pain and swelling of the IT band, which connects the side of your hip to the side of your knee. It can occurs if the band is too tight or if you do certain activities. It's a common problem in people who run, bike, or do other aerobic activities.

Iliotibial band syndrome: When to call

Watch closely for changes in your health, and be sure to contact your doctor if:

  • You have pain in your hip or knee that doesn't go away.
  • You do not get better as expected.

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