What is low vision problems?

Low Vision Problems

How can you care for yourself when you have reduced vision?

Use lighting

  • Point lighting at what you want to see. Don't point it at your eyes.
  • Add lamps where you need extra lighting.
  • Use curtains or shades to adjust how much natural light there is.
  • Use good lighting in places where you could easily fall. These include entries and stairways.

Use labels

  • Label things that are hard to recognize or that could be confusing. This might include medicines, spices, and foods. Use black letters on a white background. Or you can color-code the items.
  • Mark the positions of the temperature settings you use the most on your stove and oven. Also mark the "on" and "off" positions.
  • Mark the water temperatures you use on faucets in the kitchen and bathroom. To prevent overfilling a sink or bathtub, use waterproof markers or tape to mark the water level you want.

Avoid falls in your home

  • Replace or remove any worn carpeting. Tape down or remove area rugs.
  • Do not wax your floors. Use nonskid, nonglare cleaners on smooth floors.
  • Remove electrical cords from areas where you need to walk. Or tape them down so you won't trip on them.
  • Make sure furniture doesn't stick out into areas where you walk. Keep chairs pushed in under tables and desks. Keep all drawers closed.
  • Keep doors fully opened or fully closed. Don't leave them halfway open or shut.
  • Use handrails on stairways and ramps. Make sure that they go beyond the top and bottom steps. Then you won't stumble if you miss a step.

Use helpful technology

  • Use a magnifying lens. You can buy ones that you hold. Or you can buy ones that attach to glasses. Some have lights built in.
  • If your budget allows, you may want to think about a video magnifier system. These systems can make print, pictures, or other items bigger on a screen.
  • If you have a computer:
    • Try to adjust the display. You can often change how big the text and pictures appear. Then they will be easier to see and read.
    • You may want to try special software. Some software can recognize spoken commands or change dictated speech into text. Other software allows computers to speak text and read documents.
  • Use large-print items. These include books, newspapers, magazines, and medicine labels. You can also listen to recordings of books.
  • Think about using devices made for people with low vision. Examples are clocks and watches that announce the time. There are also clocks, telephones, and calculators with extra-large buttons.

Be safe while you stay active

  • Ask your doctor what physical activities are safe for you. If you bend, lift things, or move fast, it may affect your health or vision.
  • Ask a friend to read you the instructions for a new exercise and to check your technique.
  • Walk with someone who can help look for things that may be a danger.
  • If you swim laps, use a pool that has ropes between the lanes.

Reduced vision: When to call

Watch closely for changes in your health, and be sure to contact your doctor if:

  • You have vision changes.

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