What is lymph node removal for endometrial cancer?

Lymph Node Removal for Endometrial Cancer
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Why is lymph node removal surgery (lymphadenectomy) for endometrial cancer done?

Some doctors recommend that this surgery be done in all cases of endometrial cancer. Others believe that this procedure might not be needed when the cancer is diagnosed at a very early stage and is found to be a slow-growing grade. Surgery may be needed if:

  • Cancer cells are found in selected lymph nodes that were removed in an earlier surgery.
  • Cancer cells are found in a lymph node at the time you are having surgery.
  • Your pelvic lymph nodes are enlarged.
  • Cancer cells are a higher grade (faster-growing).
  • Cancer cells have grown into the muscle of the uterus, the cervix, or other areas of the pelvis.
  • The cancer is large.

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