What is minerals?



Minerals have many important roles in the structure and function of the body. The body needs minerals to build and maintain healthy teeth and bones, carry nerve signals to and from the brain, carry oxygen to the cells, regulate blood sugar levels, and maintain a healthy immune system.

A total of 60 minerals have been discovered in the body, and 22 are essential to health. Minerals include calcium, sodium, and iron. Eating a variety of foods is the healthiest way for a body to receive all the minerals it needs.

What minerals are important for health?

Some minerals are essential to your health. These may be divided into major minerals and trace minerals. Major minerals include sodium, calcium, and potassium. Trace minerals include iron, zinc, and fluoride. Trace minerals are needed in smaller amounts than major minerals.

What are minerals?

Minerals are nutrients that have many important roles in the body. They help to build and maintain healthy teeth and bones, carry nerve signals to and from the brain, and keep your immune system healthy. Some minerals are essential to health. Essential minerals include calcium, sodium, and iron.

Essential minerals are sometimes divided into major minerals and trace minerals. Trace minerals are needed in smaller amounts than major minerals.

A balanced diet usually gives you all of the essential minerals you need.

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