What is pulmonary fibrosis?

Pulmonary Fibrosis

What is pulmonary fibrosis?

Pulmonary fibrosis is a condition in which scarring happens in the lungs. It makes the lungs less elastic and causes breathing problems. Pulmonary fibrosis usually gets worse over time. You can't undo the damage to your lungs. But you can take steps to prevent more damage and feel better.

What are the symptoms of pulmonary fibrosis?

Pulmonary fibrosis makes it hard to breathe. Symptoms may include shortness of breath and a dry cough. Symptoms usually get worse over time.

How is pulmonary fibrosis diagnosed?

A diagnosis may be made based on several tests. These include a medical history, physical exam, blood tests, lung function tests, chest X-ray, and CT scan. In some cases, a lung biopsy may be done.

How is pulmonary fibrosis treated?

Treatment for pulmonary fibrosis aims to make breathing easier and slow the progress of the disease. Treatment includes medicines and oxygen to ease shortness of breath. Your doctor may use pulmonary function tests (PFTs) to check how well treatment is working and provide the best care.

How can you care for yourself when you have pulmonary fibrosis?

Self-care aims to make breathing as easy as possible. You can help prevent lung infections by avoiding smoke, dirty air, and sick children and adults. Keeping up with vaccinations like pneumonia, pertussis, COVID-19, and the flu vaccine can also help prevent new lung infections and help you stay healthy.

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