What is rabies?


Preventing rabies infection: Overview

Rabies is a disease caused by a virus that can affect the brain and nervous system. You can get rabies when you are exposed to an animal that has rabies. This can happen through a bite, scratch, or other contact.

Your doctor can use two medicines to help your body fight the virus before it causes an infection. One is rabies immunoglobulin. It works by giving your body a type of protein called an antibody to stop the rabies virus. The other medicine is the rabies vaccine. It helps your body produce its own protection against the rabies virus. When you get these shots before serious symptoms appear, you should not get infected with rabies.

Your doctor will give you a shot schedule. Make sure that you do not miss any doses. You need to get all the doses for the rabies vaccine to work.


Rabies is a disease caused by a virus that can affect the nervous system (brain and spinal cord) of any kind of mammal, including humans. Rabies-infected animals can spread the disease through their saliva or brain matter.

Signs of rabies in animals may include excessive saliva or sometimes foaming at the mouth, paralysis, or behavioral changes in a pet (shyness when the pet used to be friendly) or no fear of humans in a wild animal.

After rabies symptoms appear, the disease progresses quickly and is very difficult to cure. Getting postexposure prophylaxis shots (PEP) before symptoms occur usually gets rid of the virus before it can cause serious damage. Rabies is nearly always fatal if not treated before symptoms appear.

People who believe they may have been exposed to the rabies virus should seek medical attention immediately.

What are the symptoms of rabies?

Signs of rabies in animals may include drooling, foaming at the mouth, or paralysis. A pet with rabies also may behave differently than usual, such as acting shy when the pet usually is friendly. A wild animal with rabies may have no fear of humans.

Rabies in humans begins with symptoms such as fever, cough, or sore throat. Later, symptoms become more serious and can include restlessness, hallucinations, and seizures. The final stage is coma and death.

The time from exposure to the virus until symptoms appear usually is 2 to 3 months. In rare cases, it may be shorter or much longer.

How is rabies treated?

The treatment for someone who has been exposed to rabies is a series of shots known as postexposure prophylaxis (PEP). These shots help the body's immune system destroy the disease in its early stages. Getting PEP before symptoms appear usually prevents infection, and you are likely to recover.

If you think you've been exposed to the rabies virus, it's very important to get medical care before symptoms begin. If symptoms appear, it's too late for a cure, and the infection will probably lead to death.

In the U.S. and Canada, PEP has two parts, usually given at the same time:

  • A shot of human antibodies against rabies, called human rabies immunoglobulin (HRIG)
  • The rabies vaccination series

How can you avoid rabies?

To avoid contact with the rabies virus:

  • Have pet dogs, cats, and ferrets vaccinated against rabies. (If you aren't the first owner of your pet, ask for a certificate of rabies vaccination. If no document exists, confirm with the pet's veterinarian that the pet got the vaccine.)
  • Avoid contact with stray dogs, especially in rural areas of countries where rabies is a risk.
  • Avoid contact with bats.
  • Never touch or try to pet or catch a wild animal. This includes raccoons, skunks, foxes, and coyotes. Teach children to avoid these animals.
  • Secure garbage and other items that attract animals.
  • Secure open areas of your home, such as pet doors, chimneys, unscreened windows, or any place that wild or stray animals could enter.
  • Never handle a dead animal. Avoid any contact with its brain tissue.

Preventive rabies vaccination may be recommended if you are at high risk of exposure because of your work or hobbies. It may also be recommended if you plan to travel in areas where rabies is a risk, such as parts of Asia, Africa, and Central and South America. Contact your doctor or local public health department for more information.

How is rabies diagnosed?

Your doctor will ask about your exposure to animals that carry rabies, such as bats. The doctor will also ask about your symptoms and do a physical exam. You may need blood, saliva, spinal fluid, and skin biopsy tests.

What should you do if you think you have been exposed to rabies?

First, wash the animal bite, scratch, or open sore with soap and water. Then call your doctor and local health department right away. They can advise you on what to do next.

How do you get rabies?

People usually get rabies when a rabid animal bites them. People in the U.S. and Canada are most likely to get rabies from bats. People in many other countries are most likely to get rabies from dog bites.

Bats, raccoons, skunks, foxes, and coyotes are the animals most likely to have rabies in the U.S. and Canada. Small mammals such as mice and squirrels almost never have rabies.

Sometimes the rabies virus can spread to pets, such as dogs, cats, and ferrets. But household pets rarely get rabies, because most of them get rabies vaccines. Pets that stay indoors are very unlikely to get rabies.

It's possible to get rabies even when you don't see an animal bite. For example, bat bites or scratches may be so small that you don't notice them. If you or your children come in direct contact with a bat, or if you find a bat in a closed room with a sleeping person, call your doctor right away.

What is rabies?

Rabies is an infection caused by a virus. It affects the brain and spinal cord (central nervous system) of mammals, including humans. It is nearly always deadly if not treated before symptoms begin.

Animals that are infected with rabies—rabid animals—can spread the disease through their saliva or through brain tissue.

It is rare for people in the United States or Canada to get rabies. It is more common in developing nations.

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