What is scheuermann’s kyphosis?

Scheuermann’s Kyphosis

Scheuermann's disease

Scheuermann's disease is a condition in which some of the bones of the spine (vertebrae) develop wedge-shaped deformities. This causes curvature of the spine (rounding of the back, or kyphosis), most commonly in the upper back.

Most of the time, curvature of the spine can get better with treatment. Bracing often prevents further progression of the disease and may improve the existing curvature. Exercises and good posture can also be helpful. Surgery is occasionally needed.

Scheuermann's disease occurs most often in growing teens. The cause is unknown. It is usually not serious, but treatment may be needed if the problem is severe.

What are the symptoms of Scheuermann's kyphosis?

The main symptom is a rounding of the spine that doesn't go away when sitting or standing up straight. But depending on where the problem is, the rounding may be hard to see, especially at first. Back pain that gets worse with activity is also a common symptom. It may be what prompts a doctor visit.

Symptoms can also include tightness in the muscles of the front of the hips and the back of the legs. People with severe cases may also have nerve or breathing issues. But these problems are less common.

How is Scheuermann's kyphosis treated?

Treatment depends on how much the spine is rounded and what symptoms it's causing. Mild cases may just need to be watched to see if they get worse. Some people may be treated with exercise, physical therapy, or a brace. And people with severe cases may need surgery.

How is Scheuermann's kyphosis diagnosed?

The doctor will ask about any symptoms, do a physical exam, and look for any nerve issues. The doctor may take X-rays to look at the bones of the spine. The X-rays can show if the bones have the wedge shape that happens with Scheuermann's kyphosis.

How can you care for yourself when you have Scheuermann's kyphosis?

Self-care involves managing symptoms and doing exercises. For example, a physical therapist can show you exercises to strengthen your muscles and make your back and joints more flexible. Try to do some physical activity daily, such as walking. Take any medicines as prescribed. Wear a back brace if your doctor recommends it.

What is Scheuermann's kyphosis?

Scheuermann's kyphosis is a rounding of the spine that doesn't go away by standing or sitting up straight. The rounding usually happens during the growth spurt before puberty. It's usually diagnosed in the teenage years. It's also sometimes called Scheuermann's disease.

What causes Scheuermann's kyphosis?

Scheuermann's kyphosis is caused by bones in the spine (vertebrae) that have grown into a wedge shape. They are shorter in the front and taller in the back. When these wedge-shaped bones are stacked on top of each other in the spine, the spine becomes too rounded.

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