A subungual hematoma is blood under a fingernail or toenail. It's caused by hitting the nail with an object such as a hammer. Or it can happen if you pinch it in a door or drawer. The hematoma can cause throbbing pain in the hurt finger or toe.
Your doctor may have relieved the pain by making a small hole in the nail. This lets the blood drain out. You may have had a shot to prevent a tetanus infection.
If your doctor told you how to care for your wound, follow your doctor's instructions. If you did not get instructions, follow this general advice:
You may be able to relieve severe, throbbing pain by draining blood from under your nail. This procedure is not necessary and is not recommended if you are not having pain. This procedure is safe if done properly.
To remove blood from under a nail:
You may repeat the procedure using the same hole. The pain and pressure that is immediately relieved may build back up again in a few days.
If your pain does not go away after you have drained the blood from under your nail, you may have a more serious injury. Call your doctor for an appointment.
Be sure to watch for signs of infection until your nail has healed. Signs of infection may include:
Call your doctor now or seek immediate medical care if:
Watch closely for changes in your health, and be sure to contact your doctor if:
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