What is very low birth weight?

Very Low Birth Weight
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What is very low birth weight (VLBW)?

Very low birth weight (VLBW) is a term used when a baby weighs less than 3 lb 5 oz (1,500 g) at birth. They are often born 3 or more weeks early (premature).

Babies born with VLBW may need help taking their first breath. They are more likely to stay in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). Doctors and NICU staff will help your baby eat, breathe, and stay warm on their own.

Babies born with VLBW are likely to be in the hospital more often in their first year of life than babies born without VLBW. They are more likely to have developmental problems of the heart, lungs, brain, spinal cord, intestines, and eyes. They may have trouble eating, gaining weight, and fighting infections. And they are more likely to have problems later in life. These problems will depend on how early they were born and/or what they weighed at birth.

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