What is workplace injuries?

Workplace Injuries
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How can you help prevent hearing problems at work?

You and your company can reduce your risk for hearing loss or other problems associated with noise levels with:

  • Earplugs, to reduce background noise.
  • Acoustic ceiling tiles, to absorb some noise.
  • Relocation of noisy equipment.
  • Window glass, to block out excessive noise.
  • Carpets, to help absorb foot-traffic and conversational noise.
  • Noise-reducing partitions, to reduce noise around workstations.

Preventing workplace injuries

Here are a few ways you can prevent injuries at work.

  • Try to place your work in front of you.
  • Sit tall while you work.
  • Try not to put too much stress on one area of your body, such as your lower back or arms.
  • Change your position often.
  • Turn with your whole body instead of twisting to face your work.
  • Take breaks to stretch or get out of your chair every 20 to 40 minutes.

    If you can, switch to another task.

  • Maintain good health.

    Good general health, including strength and flexibility, can help prevent injuries. It will also help you recover faster if you are injured.

    • Get regular exercise.
    • Eat healthy.
    • Do not smoke.
    • Follow prescribed treatment for any other health conditions you have.

Who can diagnose and treat a workplace injury?

If you have tried home treatment, such as rest, but your pain and discomfort have lasted for several days (for example, 7 continuous days), call your doctor. Health professionals who can diagnose and treat work-related injuries include:

  • Chiropractors.
  • Family medicine physicians.
  • General practitioners.
  • Neurologists.
  • Nurse practitioners.
  • Occupational medicine specialists.
  • Occupational therapists.
  • Orthopedic doctors.
  • Osteopathic doctors.
  • Physiatrists.
  • Physical therapists.

Where can you get help after a workplace injury?

You may be able to get help or information through:

  • Your human resources department at work.
  • Your state's Labor Department.
  • Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), for information on treating and preventing injury.
  • National Institute for Occupational Health and Safety (NIOSH), a division of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). NIOSH is the federal agency responsible for conducting research and making recommendations for the prevention of work-related disease and injury.

What causes workplace injuries?

Many workplace injuries are caused by:

  • Repetitive movements.
  • The way you sit or stand (posture).
  • Sitting in the same position for a long time.
  • Bending over, lifting heavy objects, or using pressure or force.
  • Working with vibrating tools.
  • Overuse.

These injuries can cause stress and strain on your muscles, nerves, tendons, joints, blood vessels, and spine.

You may be at greater risk for injuries at work if you have other health problems, such as arthritis or emotional stress.

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The content above contains general health information provided by Healthwise, Incorporated, and reviewed by its medical experts. This content should not replace the advice of your healthcare provider. Not all treatments or services described are offered as services by us. For recommended treatments, please consult your healthcare provider.

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