Hepatitis C

Early diagnosis and treatment of Hepatitis C (HCV) and HIV can prevent transmission and health problems that may result from infection. Today, there are highly effective treatment options that can cure more than 90 percent of people with chronic HCV.

In partnership with local initiatives, CommonSpirit Health continues to grow and integrate capabilities to address multiple medical determinants, including Hepatitis C.

hepatitis c

CommonSpirit Population Health’s approach is to expand the FOCUS (Frontlines of Communities in the U.S.) Program in partnership with GILEAD Services. Efforts-to-date include California hospital-based sites in Long Beach, Stockton, Kern, Los Angeles and Phoenix (Arizona). The FOCUS program aims to:

  • Provide routine screening and testing in ED’s, primary care, and other settings.
  • Normalize attitudes and de-stigmatize screening and testing, among providers and patients.
  • Ensure linkages to community and down-stream resources for access to care and improved health outcomes.

CommonSprit Population Health’s future efforts look to expand on best practices from the initial sites into other markets by promoting:

  • Alignment across markets (Electronic medical record modifications, data collection, etc.)
  • Sustainability plans with markets to collaborate with key stakeholders such as physician residency programs.
  • Support for clinical works flows, development of health metrics, medical education,  and a community resources infrastructure for HCV and HIV.