What is adverse childhood experiences (aces)?

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)

What are adverse childhood experiences (ACEs)?

Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are things that happen before adulthood that can cause trauma. Or they're things that make a child feel like their home isn't safe or stable. Some examples of ACEs include violence, neglect, abuse, and family mental health or substance use problems.

How can you reduce the effects of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs)?

The best thing you can do is to take care of your mental, emotional, and physical health. Here are some ways to do that.

  • See a counselor. A counselor can help you:
    • Work through emotions about painful childhood experiences.
    • Learn how those experiences might still be affecting you.
    • Learn skills to help change negative thoughts, habits, or behaviors.
  • Address health-harming behaviors.
    • Quit smoking.
    • Avoid drugs and excessive drinking.
    • Get help if you have signs of a substance use disorder. Signs may include trying to stop using a substance but being unable to, and using a substance even though it harms you or your relationships.
  • Make healthy habits.
    • Eat a balanced diet.
    • Get enough sleep.
    • Get regular physical activity.

Many adults have spent a lifetime learning to live with the effects of ACEs. But it's never too late to get help or to make positive changes.

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