What is mitral valve stenosis?

Mitral Valve Stenosis

Mitral valve stenosis: Overview

The mitral valve regulates blood flow on the left side of the heart. When you have mitral valve stenosis, the mitral valve doesn't open as wide as it should. The valve becomes stiff or scarred, or the valve flaps become partly joined together. This forces your heart to work harder to pump blood through the valve, which can weaken the heart and cause other problems.

It may take many years for symptoms to develop. An early symptom is shortness of breath when you're active.

Your doctor will check your heart regularly. Your doctor will recommend a heart-healthy lifestyle. You may take medicine to help treat or prevent other problems that can happen, such as atrial fibrillation and stroke. If you have symptoms or severe stenosis, you may have a procedure to stretch the valve open or surgery to repair or replace the valve.

Mitral valve stenosis

Mitral valve stenosis is a heart disease in which the mitral valve—which regulates blood flow on the left side of the heart—fails to open as wide as it should. Although it has no immediate effect on health, eventually mitral valve stenosis can cause the left atrium to work harder to pump blood through the narrowed valve, leading to heart failure and complications such as stroke, heart rhythm problems (such as atrial fibrillation), fluid buildup in the lungs, and stroke.

What are the symptoms of mitral valve stenosis?

Symptoms may not appear until you've had mitral valve stenosis for many years. An early symptom is shortness of breath when you're active. Later in the disease, you may feel short of breath even when you're resting. You may also feel tired and weak.

How is mitral valve stenosis treated?

Your doctor will check your heart regularly. Your doctor will recommend a heart-healthy lifestyle. You may take medicine to help treat or prevent other problems that can happen. If you have symptoms or severe stenosis, you may have a procedure to stretch the valve open or surgery to repair or replace the valve.

How is mitral valve stenosis diagnosed?

If you have mitral valve stenosis, your doctor may hear a heart murmur during a routine checkup. A test called an echocardiogram is used to find out for sure. You may also have an electrocardiogram, a chest X-ray, or other tests.

How can you care for yourself when you have mitral valve stenosis?

  • Be safe with medicines. Take your medicines exactly as prescribed. Call your doctor if you think you are having a problem with your medicine. You will get more details on the specific medicines your doctor prescribes.
  • Call your doctor if you have new symptoms or your symptoms get worse.
  • Eat heart-healthy foods. These include vegetables, fruits, nuts, beans, lean meat, fish, and whole grains. Limit sodium, sugar, and alcohol.
  • Be active. Ask your doctor what type and level of exercise is safe for you.
  • Do not smoke. Smoking increases your risk of heart attack and stroke. If you need help quitting, talk to your doctor about stop-smoking programs and medicines. These can increase your chances of quitting for good.
  • Stay at a healthy weight. Lose weight if you need to.
  • Manage other health problems. If you think you may have a problem with alcohol or drug use, talk to your doctor.
  • Avoid infections such as COVID-19, colds, and the flu. Get the flu vaccine every year. Get a pneumococcal vaccine. If you have had one before, ask your doctor whether you need another dose. Stay up to date on your COVID-19 vaccines.
  • Take care of your teeth and gums. Get regular dental checkups. Good dental health is important because bacteria can spread from infected teeth and gums to the heart valves.

How is valve repair or replacement used to treat mitral valve stenosis?

You may choose to have the mitral valve repaired or replaced. The goal is for blood to flow more normally through the valve. This helps relieve symptoms and ease the workload on the heart.

Balloon valvuloplasty.

This procedure repairs the valve. A doctor uses a catheter in a blood vessel and a tiny balloon to stretch open the narrowed valve. It's less invasive than open-heart surgery. It's also called valvotomy.


Valve repair surgery (commissurotomy) is typically an open-heart surgery. A surgeon removes calcium deposits and other scar tissue from the valve leaflets to widen the valve.

Valve replacement surgery might be done if the valve is damaged beyond repair. A mechanical or tissue valve will be used to replace your heart valve. This surgery most often is an open-heart surgery.

What causes mitral valve stenosis?

Nearly all cases of mitral valve stenosis are caused by rheumatic fever. This fever results from an untreated strep infection, often strep throat. But many people who have mitral valve stenosis don't realize that they had rheumatic fever. Less common causes include other health conditions and calcium buildup on the mitral valve.

Mitral valve stenosis

Location of mitral valve in heart, with detail of healthy mitral valve and one with stenosis

Mitral valve stenosis is a heart condition in which the mitral valve fails to open as wide as it should. When this happens, not as much blood can flow from the left atrium to the left ventricle. Over time, mitral valve stenosis can cause the left atrium to work harder to pump blood through the narrowed valve.

Mitral valve stenosis can lead to heart failure and complications such as heart rhythm problems (like atrial fibrillation), fluid buildup in the lungs, and stroke.

Mitral valve stenosis: When to call

Call 911 anytime you think you may need emergency care. For example, call if:

  • You have symptoms of a heart attack. These may include:
    • Chest pain or pressure, or a strange feeling in the chest.
    • Sweating.
    • Shortness of breath.
    • Nausea or vomiting.
    • Pain, pressure, or a strange feeling in the back, neck, jaw, or upper belly or in one or both shoulders or arms.
    • Dizziness or lightheadedness.
    • A fast or irregular pulse.
    After you call 911, the operator may tell you to chew 1 adult-strength or 2 to 4 low-dose aspirin. Wait for an ambulance. Do not try to drive yourself.
  • You have been diagnosed with angina, and you have angina symptoms that do not go away with rest or are not getting better within 5 minutes after you take a dose of nitroglycerin.
  • You have symptoms of a stroke. These may include:
    • Sudden numbness, tingling, weakness, or loss of movement in your face, arm, or leg, especially on only one side of your body.
    • Sudden vision changes.
    • Sudden trouble speaking.
    • Sudden confusion or trouble understanding simple statements.
    • Sudden problems with walking or balance.
    • A sudden, severe headache that is different from past headaches.
  • You have severe shortness of breath.
  • You cough up pink, foamy mucus.
  • You passed out (lost consciousness).

Call your doctor now or seek immediate medical care if:

  • You have new symptoms or your symptoms get worse.
  • You have new or increased shortness of breath.
  • You feel very tired.
  • You feel a fluttering, racing, or pounding feeling in your chest.
  • You are dizzy or lightheaded, or you feel like you may faint.
  • You have a fever.
  • You have sudden weight gain, such as more than 2 to 3 pounds in a day or 5 pounds in a week. (Your doctor may suggest a different range of weight gain.)
  • You have new or increased swelling in your legs, ankles, or feet.

Watch closely for changes in your health, and be sure to contact your doctor if you have any problems.

How can you decide if valve repair or replacement for mitral valve stenosis is right for you?

You can work with your doctor to decide if you want your mitral valve repaired or replaced to treat mitral valve stenosis.

Many things play a role in this decision. These things include:

  • If you have symptoms.
  • If you have other health problems.
  • How severe the stenosis is.
  • The shape of the mitral valve.
  • The risks of the procedure or surgery.

Your personal feelings are just as important as the medical facts. Talk with your doctor about what matters most to you.

You might decide to have a procedure or surgery if the stenosis is bad enough that you have symptoms or if it can or has damaged your heart.

In general, mitral valve repair is preferred if your valve is suitable for it. The repair may be done with a procedure called a valvuloplasty or with a surgery. Valve replacement surgery might be done if the valve is damaged beyond repair.

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The content above contains general health information provided by Healthwise, Incorporated, and reviewed by its medical experts. This content should not replace the advice of your healthcare provider. Not all treatments or services described are offered as services by us. For recommended treatments, please consult your healthcare provider.

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