Most people have muscle pain from time to time. But the pain from myofascial pain syndrome is an ongoing or longer-lasting pain. With myofascial pain, there are areas called trigger points. Trigger points are usually in the connective tissue (fascia) or in a tight muscle.
Myofascial pain often goes away with treatment.
The main symptom of myofascial pain syndrome is ongoing or longer-lasting muscle pain in areas such as the low back, neck, shoulders, and chest. You might feel the pain or the pain may get worse when you press on a trigger point. The muscle may be swollen or hard—you may hear it called a "taut band" of muscle or "knot" in the muscle. Symptoms of myofascial pain syndrome may include:
People with chronic myofascial pain may have other health problems, such as tension headaches, depression, sleep problems, and fatigue. These problems are common in people who have chronic pain.
To diagnose myofascial pain syndrome, your doctor will ask if you have had a recent injury or do any repetitive activities. Your doctor will also ask where the pain is, how long you have had the pain, what makes it better or worse, and if you have any other symptoms.
You will also have a physical exam. Your doctor will press on different areas to see if the pressure causes pain.
You may have tests to see if some other condition is causing your pain.
Talk to your doctor about the best way to treat your pain. The main treatment may include any of the following:
Your doctor may also recommend nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen or aspirin. Or your doctor may recommend medicines you can put on your skin, such as lidocaine patches or creams. These medicines may help with your symptoms. Be safe with medicines. Read and follow all instructions on the label.
Sometimes doctors prescribe certain antidepressants or muscle relaxants that help relax muscles and relieve sleep problems related to myofascial pain.
There are things you can do for relief. Physical therapy and counseling can help build skills to manage pain. Go to all of your appointments, including any doctor visits. Use any medicines as instructed. Gentle exercise and stretching may also help.
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