What is pyeloplasty?


What is pyeloplasty?

Pyeloplasty (say "PY-loh-plas-tee") is a surgery. It is used to correct a blockage in the flow of urine where a ureter meets the kidney. The ureters are small tubes that carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder.

When a ureter doesn't connect to the kidney correctly, urine can't flow out of the kidney to the bladder. This can cause the kidney to swell. And it can lead to infections and kidney damage. Surgery helps prevent these problems.

How is a pyeloplasty done in children?

Before surgery, your child will get medicine to make him or her sleep.

The surgery may be either "open" or "laparoscopic." Open surgery is done through a large cut (incision). Laparoscopic surgery is done through several small cuts. The doctor puts a lighted scope and other surgical tools through the cuts. The doctor can see your child's kidney and ureter with the scope.

The location of the cuts depends on the type of surgery. It also depends on the kind of blockage your child has. Cuts could be near your child's waist, on the front, side, or lower back.

The doctor removes the blockage. Then the doctor attaches the ureter to the kidney so that urine can flow to the bladder.

When the surgery is finished, the doctor closes the cuts with stitches or staples.

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