What is simple prostatectomy?

Simple Prostatectomy
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Simple prostatectomy for benign prostatic hyperplasia: Overview

Simple prostatectomy is the surgical removal of the prostate. This surgery removes much of the prostate, but it may or may not remove all of the prostate. It may be done as an open surgery, a laparoscopic surgery, or as a laparoscopic surgery with robotic assistance.

Simple prostatectomy is not done very often for benign enlargement of the prostate. It may be recommended if:

  • You have a very large prostate.
  • You have bladder diverticula (pouches in the wall of the bladder) or bladder stones.
  • Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) is not possible for another reason.

How well does simple prostatectomy for benign prostatic hyperplasia work?

Simple prostatectomy almost always improves symptoms.

What are the risks of simple prostatectomy for benign prostatic hyperplasia?

The risks of simple prostatectomy include:

  • The possible need for a blood transfusion.
  • Ejaculation of semen into the bladder instead of out through the penis (retrograde ejaculation).
  • An inability to have sexual intercourse because of erection problems.
  • A strong urge to urinate, which can also cause leaking of urine. This usually gets better within weeks or months.
  • Complete or partial inability to hold back urine (incontinence).

What is a simple prostatectomy for benign prostatic hyperplasia?

A simple prostatectomy is surgery to remove most of the prostate gland. The prostate is a small, walnut-shaped organ that lies just below the bladder. Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is an enlarged prostate gland. The gland can grow with age. An enlarged prostate can cause problems with urinating.

What can you expect as you recover from simple prostatectomy for benign prostatic hyperplasia?

Simple prostatectomy may require spending one or more days in the hospital. You may go home with a urinary catheter in place. Your doctor will give you instructions about how to care for your catheter at home.

Why is simple prostatectomy for benign prostatic hyperplasia done?

Simple prostatectomy usually is used for men who want surgery to treat their benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) symptoms and who have very enlarged prostates.

How is a simple prostatectomy for benign prostatic hyperplasia done?

You'll probably be asleep during surgery. The surgeon may make a single cut (incision), usually in the lower belly, to reach the prostate gland. Or the surgeon may make several small incisions in the belly. Along with a lighted viewing tool, special tools are inserted through the other incisions to remove the prostate tissue.

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