What is urinary catheterization?

Urinary Catheterization

What is urinary catheterization?

Urinary catheterization is a procedure to drain urine from the bladder. It's done with a plastic tube (catheter). The tube is passed through the urethra to the bladder. Some catheters are used to a collect a urine sample. They are then removed. Others stay in place to drain urine for a longer time.

Why is urinary catheterization done in children?

Your child may need a urinary catheterization if:

  • A sample of urine is needed quickly.
  • Your child is too young to urinate when asked.
  • Your child has a health problem that makes your child unable to urinate on their own.
  • Your doctor needs to test your infant's urine for signs of infection.
  • Your child is having a procedure or surgery that will cause your child to be unable to urinate on their own for a period of time.
  • Your child is very ill, and doctors need to measure how much urine your child makes.

How is urinary catheterization done in children?

A health professional will place a small, flexible tube called a catheter into your child's urethra and guide it into the bladder. The urethra carries urine outside the body from the bladder.

Sometimes a catheter is used just to get a urine sample. In that case, it will be taken out after the sample is collected. If the catheter is going to be left in place for a longer time, the tip of it will stay in your child's bladder. It will be held in place by a small balloon. The other end of the catheter will be attached to a bag. The bag will collect the urine.

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